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"We believe that God gave us a passion for farming and in return, we aim to use his gift to provide our family, friends, and neighbors with quality, pure, and healthy options for daily living." 


 We are a small scale, newly established, organic family farm owned and operated by Keith & Hannah Everhart. Our farm is located 30 miles South of Cleveland, Ohio.


Our farm consists of a bee apiary, free range chickens & ducks, pasture raised/rare American Guinea Hogs, an orchard, pollinator-friendly flower garden, and a 2,500 square foot garden.


We are currently breeding American Guinea Hogs and have gilts and boars for sale. If interested, email us at 


Our bee apiary contains hives which produce 100% pure, raw honey. All hives are treated and protected organically.


We raise 40 free range chickens and ducks and currently sell their fresh eggs. Some breeds we have include traditional breeds such as Barred Rock, Australorp, Wyandotte, and Easter Eggers.

We recently have added some unique breeds to our flocks such as Svarthonas, Blue Copper Marans, Lavender Orpingtons, and Blue Andulasians. Our beautifully colored and free range eggs add a palette of colors to your kitchen table and nourish your body with:


- 1/3 less cholesterol

-  1/4 less saturated fat

- 2/3 more vitamin A

-  2 times more omega 3 fatty acids

- 3 times more vitamin E

- 7 times more beta carotene. 


Our orchard contains growing pear, pecan, and apple trees and our garden contains almost every vegetable, fruit, and herb you can imagine from purple potatoes to Turmeric. We holistically manage our crops without pesticides to support our honey bees and to ensure what we put on our tables is organic and clean. Our diversified small-scale farm uses regenerative and economically efficient agricultural practices to produce a higher nutritional quality of food. We use permaculture design to encourage a variety of living things to intermix within our self-contained ecosystem. 


Where Can I find Everhart Farm Products?


Currently, we are selling what honey and produce we have through word of mouth. Therefore, if you follow our Instagram accounts, sign up for email updates, or email us to let us know what you are looking for, we can get in contact and provide you with some amazing products. 








Everhart Farm




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Why are Two Adults in Their Mid-Twenties Spending Their Time Farming?


Four of the most influential people in our lives passed away from cancer, some quite suddenly. The second we heard that honey was a potential, natural anticancer agent, we realized that we wanted to create a farm together not only to honor our loved one's legacy but also to prevent disease for those who still walk this earth with us. 


We believe the world needs more small-scale, organic farmers. If you are not reading this site today to buy local produce, eggs, or honey, it is our hopes that we have inspired and educated you to live a healthy life for not only yourself but also your family. While feeding people locally is hard work, it is a fulfilling lifestyle. We are passionate about being connected with the land and our community. At the end of the day, we hope everyone can invite one another to his or her family tables and enjoy each other's presence while nourishing our bodies. 


Farming brought Keith and Hannah together. It is a passion they share and hope to share with their family and friends as they continue building their life together. 


Thank you in advance for investing in our dream!


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