Last Day of Summer

It's a bitter sweet day...the last day of Summer Break. While harvesting season is just beginning, my daily routine is about to be shaken up. Instead of being surrounded by almost 30 chickens at my job I will now be surrounded by almost 30 children.
It's with extreme gratitude that I thank everyone reading this right now because chances are you have been very influential in supporting our dreams. So many times this summer I have heard that people "love us as a couple" and "love watching our adventures". Well, we truly love providing you all with natural goodness to sweeten your day.
In honor of the last day of summer, I wanted to share how far we have come since the first days of summer.

Just look at that growth. As frusterating and tiring my summer job was, it's amazing to witness growth in a relatively small amount of time. If you feel like something is missing in your life or you need a hobby, seriously give gardening a try. We would love to help you get started.
This has been my formal goodbye to dirt stained hands and my hello to sharpie covered hands...from farmer to teacher. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed your summer as much as I enjoyed mine.